Jim Clements Works

Jim Clements

Jim Clements is a western oil painter who considers himself blessed to be a working artist. “To me, painting represents ultimate freedom - so it’s just natural that the wide open spaces, rich history and independent people of the American West translate so well to canvas. My desire is to honor the spirit of the West in each painting I do.”

Born and raised in Kansas, a state which has been called the “gateway to the West,” his surroundings have inspired him his whole life. “God’s beauty is all around us, and the endless opportunity He’s provided to artists is overwhelming.” Jim believes the best education any artist can receive is through sheer hard work and observation of life. He also gratefully acknowledges the advice, instruction and encouragement of many fellow artists over the years, which have been such an integral part of his own professional growth. In his opinion, a painter’s education never ends. It is a lifelong pursuit.